Hedge Repair & Restoration Specialists
Cedar hedges often fall apart due to heavy overgrowth, accumulation of debris from within, poor trimming/pruning techniques (hacking), or from a really bad wind/snow/ice storm.
It is important to identify what caused the problem in the first place and then take proper care in the restoration process to ensure the future integrity of your hedge is maintained once corrected.
We have been known for hedge repairs & restoration practice and putting back the “edge in your hedge.” We take pride in proper tying in, cleaning out of debris in hedges as well as corrective pruning/trimming post repair work.
Growth Reductions & General Maintenance
Annual maintenance is really important to prevent plant overgrowth, damage and most importantly, lowering your annual maintenance costs!
Once in a while your plants may also require soil amendments (sea soils & mulch), fertilizing, and general cleaning out to keep them alive and well. No shortcuts!
Removals & Chipping Services
Some plants may need to be removed due to plant death, disease, overgrowth or simply they do not address the aesthetics of your landscape.
By shovel, excavator or stump grinding we can address the removal. If weather storms cause branches to fall we are available for the cleanup with our small chipping service.